Monday, October 7, 2013


If you haven't read this blog's "About" page, I encourage you to do so as a good starting point. The "About" page explains how I arrived at where I am today, in terms of blogging and lessons learned. Now that I've described (and you've hopefully read) how I got here, I'll explain a little about who I am and how I intend to write blog posts on this blog in the future.

My name is Mike, I hold a Bachelor of Computer Science degree with High Honours, and I am currently employed full-time as a software developer. As of October 2013, I have close to 4 years of experience in the software development industry. While this isn't much compared to some people, I feel that it will help to keep my career path in mind while reading the posts on this blog. It provides context in the sense that I'm relatively young and new to the industry, but have enough experience to not make a complete fool of myself with naive notions. My focus so far in the industry has been on C and the Microsoft Windows operating system. I also have some experience with C++, enterprise-level Java, and Python development. I've touched various other languages and technologies that aren't worth enumerating here, but may come up in future blog posts.

As I mentioned on the "About" page, I also have experience in value investing and the stock market. While this interest is more of a hobby and has never been supported by formal education, I look forward to including investing and finance topics in my blog posts on technology.

With my background out of the way, I want to state some rules for posts on this blog. These rules are more for myself, to be used as a self-check to make sure I'm sticking to my goals. I'll list them in point form below:
  • Blog posts must be coherent with a defined beginning, middle and end (rather than short posts with no insight or value).
  • Blog posts must be researched and contain citations to sources, where appropriate.
  • Blog posts must have a position or statement of opinion, if applicable.

I may add to this list in the future. I realize that there are a number of caveats that allow for wiggle room ("where appropriate" and "if applicable"), but the rules should hold in most cases.

Now that I'm ready to start writing blog posts, I wish myself luck and I hope that you find something worth spending your valuable time reading.

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