In the past, I have tried to run two different blogs. My first blog, which I maintained on and off for over 5 years, was on the broad subject of technology. Its problem was that it lacked focus. I would post technical problems that I had solved, various opinions on technology, product reviews, tutorials, guest posts, and so on. I also used the blog to showcase my technical knowledge and referred to the blog on job applications as a student, when looking for co-op placements at software development companies. Although I haven't updated the blog in over a year, it still receives new visitors regularly, mostly from Google searches. I was never quite able to establish a loyal following of regular readers, and I think that was because of the lack of focus. In any case, I received a cheque from Google AdSense last week (September 2013) in the amount of $102 for advertising services on my technology blog over the past 5 years. In a sense, the blog fulfilled what I had initially set out to accomplish, which was to post solutions to problems, showcase my knowledge, and make a little money on the side.
The second blog that I tried to establish and maintain was a blog on investing and personal finance. About half way through my university experience, I started to learn about the stock market and its surrounding theories, methods, and economics. I used my finance blog to write down concepts as I learned them, practice stock analysis, and share investment ideas. As I read about investing and blogged more and more, my own investment philosophy developed into what it is today (which continues to change over time). I would describe myself as a value investor (of the Warren Buffett school of thought) that focuses on the technology sector. My finance blog never gained much traction, and I don't learn much that is new or find new stock ideas often enough to maintain regular blog posts. I also have some hesitations about posting my investment theses in public. I realize that scrutiny can be useful for an investment thesis, but there will always be someone that disagrees with you outright. Why else would the contrarian opportunity exist in the first place? So due to lack of investment ideas and new investment strategies on my part, not much is left to put into blog post form.
Taking these blog failings into account, I have decided to start a new blog that you are now reading, called Breakpoint Musings. The goal of this blog is to document my thoughts and philosophies on technology in a more detailed, focused and well-written manner. Where my previous technology blog posts lacked an overall theme and typically consisted of short reference-like material, blog posts on Breakpoint Musings will be planned, researched, informative, opinionated, and coherent. Where my previous finance blog posts were stand-alone statements of facts and concepts, blog posts on Breakpoint Musings will tie technology and finance together (when appropriate) with aspects from both fields.
Now that I've written a description of how I arrived at where I am today, I hope to start and continue to post informative and insightful blog posts that will work toward building a regular following of readers. To learn more about myself and my experience in particular, read the first post.